Our History

The Northwestern Medical-Dental Association was founded in 1947 by physicians and dentists from the states of California, Washington, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The original objectives of the organization were to advance the science and the art of medicine and to better public health, especially as related to cold winter climates and the sport of skiing. This latter objective led originally to incorporation in the State of Idaho and to the choice of venue for the annual meeting of the Association, which is held each February in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Early in the development of the organization, the program emphasis at meetings was the treatment of injuries, especially those related to skiing. The investigation of injury prevention, including the scientific evaluation of skis and ski bindings, as well as the physiology of safety and survival in sports and living in cold areas were addressed.

Today the scientific programs are more broadly based, in order to meet the needs of a diverse group of practitioners. It is the philosophy of the Association that a broad base of knowledge is essential to the practice of medicine and dentistry. Sports medicine, injury prevention and equipment are still popular topics, and each year member and guest speakers present state-of-the-art updates on a wide range of other pertinent topics.

Traditionally the group met for a week every February.  In recent years the format was shortened to make it easier for families to attend in conjunction with Presidents Weekend.  The meeting begins with registration on the Wednesday before Presidents’ Weekend. Scientific sessions are held on Thursday morning and afternoon and Friday and Saturday morning, allowing members a chance to partake between sessions in the joys of being in Sun Valley.

The annual meeting includes traditional social events. Open to all are a welcome reception, a dinner honoring Past Presidents, a ski race clinic and NASTAR ski race.  The ski race is followed by a children's awards ceremony and optional lunch at the Roundhouse restaurant. The week ends Friday evening with a ceremony at which race awards are presented, followed by a banquet with dancing. Spouses are welcome at all events and many members bring their children, who participate in the race day festivities.
